Who knew!

So I was packing up my bookcases because I will be moving soon, and I started looking through all the different books that I have.  Most of them romances (I know shocker!!) and I realized how many different kinds of romances there actually are.  I have some that are the, I guess traditional romances; you know the ones you picture with Fabio on the cover; though I really don’t have a lot of those (I’m really not one for the damsel in distress kind of book). Then I have some that have a bit of Sci-Fi to them, you know dragons, supernatural powers and vampires.  Then I have my favorite which a comical and have a bit of mystery in them.  Those make up the majority of my collecting.  While I was packing them  up (all 3 huge boxes worth, I feel sorry for the person that will be lifting those boxes) I realized that I have books to fit my every mood.  I can go to my book cases and immediately pick out the book that will best suit the mood that I am in.  I have my own mini bookstore!!  Which I love because I change moods on a daily bases (this can also be a problem when it’s the end of the week and time to clean up cause I find 5 books scattered throughout the house)!!  My mom always says that I should just go to the library to get the books because I read them so quickly and then buy some more that I am just wasting my money but honestly I love my books.  I love to come home from a long day go to my bookcase and pick any book off the self and dive into a new story.  I may already know the story but it is still a great story and oh so perfect for the mood that I am in.  If I’m feeling a little lonely I’ll pick out a book that will either make me laugh out loud (because who cares I’m alone!!) or a book that will make me feel comforted.  If I’m feeling a little vengeful (rarely happens I swear!) I’ll get a book with a lot of mystery where the female leads gets the bad guy in the end!!  I am telling you I never realized how perfect it was to have so many different types of romance novels.  They each have a different flavor to them but in the end they all have some romance too, (because of course every book needs a little romance)!

Published in: on 30/05/2010 at 02:35  Leave a Comment  
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